Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Questions and Numbness

How does one know when they've become completely numb to everything around them and the way they should normally react?

How does one go through the long process of healing from a once long-term relationship in SL that ended not with happiness, but without a word.

How does one finally mourn a once enjoyable relationship when literally everything hits you all at once?

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Hi, it's been awhile since my last post so just a couple of updates.

One, I've taken a break from any role playing for awhile as I realize that I'm just going through motions rather than going through it with any feeling.  Right now, any kind of role playing on my part just feels flat and dull, so there's the reason for the break.

Two, I did go to an 80's nightclub, but I simply sat there and just listened to the music.  I mean, I just sat there and just didn't feel a thing.

I still haven't made any attempts to play any SL games for obvious reasons.

At this point, I realize that I haven't really healed from my SL relationship that ended last year and have become utterly dulled from the ordeal.  So... to the person I was with for the last few years in SL, I just want to say to hell with you for making me feel this way.  I know you'll never find this blog or even read it, and I also know you can give two shits, but if you ever do... I just want you to know that this is all on you.  Yeah, I get it... RL happens and you wanted to spend all your time with all your church groups, but not even a goodbye directly from you as I had to hear it from one of our friends?  You're lower than a snake.  You're a fucking cunt for making me feel this way, and I hope you never return to SL.

So there, now you all know why my healing will take longer than I thought it would.  I don't even know if I could ever get into another SL relationship, or even feel the enjoyment I once did.

Friday, March 22, 2024

 I know I'm not a good writer because it's hard for me to elaborate on things as I either sound like I'm a long-winded person... or like a complete mess.  But please, bare with me as I try to figure out how to blog.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 A little something from an 80's cult classic if your day is feeling dull and down.

Monday, March 18, 2024

 I posted this up on the SL forums earlier.  I'm wearing an outfit from Dead Doll with kitten heels from Lindy, along with the Stealthic Adore hair.

Also, one of me playing the violin.


 Hii, welcome to my world.  I don't know how often I'll post, but I'll try to!

Questions and Numbness

How does one know when they've become completely numb to everything around them and the way they should normally react? How does one go ...